Addendum To The NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS Configuration Guide This document will be easiest to read if configured for .5"" margins. This Addendum describes the software changes that ensure version 2.0 of the NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS software is compatible with version 1.1 of NetWare for SAA. Who Should Read This Document? Read this document if you want to use version 1.1 of NetWare for SAA to connect a NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation to a host. Reading this is unnecessary if you are configuring a NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for a connection through a NetWare SNA Gateway. About the New Workstation Software The new workstation software consists of the following files. These files are on the Update Files for the NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS diskette. > WSCONFIG.EXE, which is the configuration program for the NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS. (This document refers to this program as WSCONFIG.) > WSCONFIG.MSG and WSCONFIG.HLP, which are two of the miscellaneous files that support WSCONFIG. > WSLAN.CFG, which contains the configuration settings for WSLAN.EXE. (WSLAN.EXE is the control program for the NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS.) > IMERC.EXE, which is a transport driver that supports communication between WSLAN.EXE and NetWare for SAA. What Has Changed? You need to be aware of the following changes that affect the workstation software: > What you specify for a server name has been changed. The server name and the NetWare file server name are now the same name. Formerly, these names had to be different from one another. > Logical units (Lus) are now specified with the LU Category Selection option instead of the LU Group Name option. To implement this change, the following software alterations have been made: > A Host Printer Session window and a Select LU Category window have been added. The Basic Printer Session Information option of the Host Printer Session window displays the Host Printer Session Information window. The LU Category Selection option displays the Select LU Category window. ("About the LU Categories" below, discusses the Select LU Category window's options.) > The LU Category Selection option has been added to the Host Display Session window. > The LU Group Name option has been deleted from the Host Display Session Information window. > The LU Group Name option has been deleted from the Host Printer Session Information window. About the LU Categories When creating, inserting, or modifying a session, you specify which LU NetWare for SAA allocates for the session. You do this by selecting the LU Category Selection option, which has been added as discussed in "What Has Changed?" above. If you select the LU Category Selection option, WSCONFIG displays the Select LU Category window. The Select LU Category window lets you specify a public LU, pooled LU (the term pool is now used instead of group to represent a set of host sessions that have been defined by your NetWare for SAA system administrator), dedicated LU, or any LU. Details on the different LU categories follow. Public A public LU is an unnamed LU that any workstation user can access. If a public LU is requested, NetWare for SAA will allocate the first available public LU that matches the type of LU that was specified. If a public LU is requested, NetWare for SAA will not search LU pools or dedicated Lus for an available LU. Pooled A pooled LU is an LU that belongs to a named LU pool. Your NetWare for SAA system administrator may have defined an LU pool for your department or for those users that need to access a specific application. If you select the Pooled option, WSCONFIG prompts you to enter an LU pool name. This name will be supplied to you by your NetWare for SAA system administrator. When the workstation control program is started, it will request a host session from the specified LU pool. NetWare for SAA will verify that the specified LU pool contains LUs that match the type of LU that the workstation user is requesting and that the workstation user has access rights to the specified LU pool. If both of these conditions are met, NetWare for SAA will allocate the first LU available from the specified pool. Dedicated A dedicated LU is a named LU that has been dedicated to a specific user or for use in accessing a specific application. If you select the Dedicated option, WSCONFIG prompts you to enter a dedicated LU name. This name will be supplied to you by your NetWare for SAA system administrator. When the workstation control program is started, it will request the dedicated LU that you specified. NetWare for SAA will verify that the specified dedicated LU matches the type of LU that the workstation user is requesting and that the workstation user has access rights to that LU. If both of these conditions are met, NetWare for SAA will allocate the dedicated LU. Any The Any option is the same as specifying an asterisk (*) for LU Group Name in the previous version of the workstation software. (Because the Any option has replaced the asterisk's function, the asterisk is no longer an acceptable single-character identifier for an LU.) If the Any option is specified, NetWare for SAA will search all the LU pools, all the dedicated LUs, and all the public LUs that the workstation user has access rights to for a session that matches the type of LU being requested. IMPORTANT: If the Any option is specified and the workstation user has access rights to pooled, dedicated, and public LUs that match the type of LU the user is requesting, it cannot be predicted whether the allocated LU will be a pooled LU, a dedicated LU, or a public LU. Likewise, if the Any option is specified and the workstation user has access rights to multiple LU pools that match the type of LU the user is requesting, it cannot be predicted from which LU pool the LU will be allocated. How Are Previously Configured LUs Handled? As discussed in the "What Has Changed?" section, the LU Group Name option has been deleted. The following list describes how the new workstation software handles LUs previously specified with the LU Group Name option. You should be aware of this information before using the new workstation software to change any configuration files created or modified with the former workstation software. > If an asterisk (*) was specified for the LU Group Name option, the new software will automatically configure the LU as Any. You can change this configuration if you want by using the Select LU Category window to specify another LU category. > If an actual name was specified for the LU Group Name option, the new software will automatically configure the LU as Pooled. You can display the LU pool name by selecting the Pooled option from the Select LU Category window. If you want, you can use the Select LU Category window to specify a different LU category. What Do You Need to Do? The following steps describe what you need to do if you want to use version 1.1 of NetWare for SAA to connect a NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation to a host. If this is the first time NetWare for SAA is being installed, complete steps 1 through 4. If version 1.0 of NetWare for SAA was previously installed, you need to complete all the steps. Updating for Version 1.1 of NetWare for SAA -------------------------------------------- 1. Instead of using the server name descriptions on pages 2-14, 3-7, and 3-17 of the NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS Configuration Guide, use the following server name description: The server name is the NetWare file server name for the server on which NetWare for SAA is running. A server name can be from one to 47 non-blank, printable characters. If the asterisk (*) is specified, the workstation control program will search all the NetWare servers running NetWare for SAA for an available session. The new server name description is necessary because of the server name changes discussed in "What Has Changed?" above. 2. Ignore the LU Group Name descriptions on pages 3-8 and 3-17 of the NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS Configuration Guide. As discussed in "What Has Changed?", the LU Category Selection option has replaced the LU Group Name option. 3. If your previous copy of WSLAN.CFG contains settings you want to keep, rename that file. Otherwise skip this step. Previous settings specified in WSLAN.CFG will be lost unless you rename that file because the new version of WSLAN.CFG will overwrite the existing file when you update the software as described in Step 4. 4. Update the workstation software, by copying the files from the Update Files for the NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS diskette to the directory that contains the previous version of WSCONFIG. The new files replace existing files that have the same name. 5. Change the server name specified in the workstation configuration file to match the NetWare file server name for the server running NetWare for SAA. Before changing the workstation configuration file, make sure your NetWare for SAA system administrator has set up the AUTOEXEC.NCF file to remove the previous server name. Example AUTOEXEC.NCF files are provided in the NetWare Communication Services Administration Guide for version 1.1 of NetWare for SAA. NOTE: The published version of document contains 5 illustrations which could not be carried over to this ASCII version.